Saturday, July 24, 2010

When All Else Fails

It's been a tough three weeks since relocating this blog and deciding to take a stand for the Lord against the Devil and this world, the Devil's playground. I've been tempted, distracted, even hallucinating from the ordeal of tearing of the old man from the new. I've sinned too. I have been so wrapped up in my sinfulness that all I can really do is turn on the cd player and listen to hymns. It has helped when I was most helpless (and still am). Hymns bypass the mind's battlefield and makes the spirit sing, unites the various parts of ourselves under one banner of the Lord's. The Devil's goal is to lure the faithful away from the Lord Jesus and then when at their most reprobate, wipe them out. Join him or die: That is the Devil's ultimate motto and purpose. The accoutrements of human systems be it political, economical, technological, entertaining, and even religious, are just that--layers of sophisticated worldly gimmicks that the Devil uses to draw us into a conundrum, and distract us from God's glory. I don't have all the answers. But I seek alongside with you as a fellow pilgrim.

Music is extremely powerful. It bypasses logic, arguments and thought. It seduces you to agree with them in melodious blasphemy, or lifts you to higher planes of communion with Jesus, or merely breaks the impasse of the undecided and the hard-hearted. That's where I was this week. I have much to repent of. I've repeatedly avoided quiet time in the mornings for the entertainment of what distractions could offer. I've decided to ease into quiet time for this week by having 1 hour after waking in reading the Bible, praying and meditating on His Word. Then next week, I'll go for two hours. I know I've been wrong to turn on the computer looking for my e-buddies before looking for Jesus. Even to the point that I became depressed and the name of Jesus became offensive to me. There is no middle ground; you are either for the Lord Jesus, Messiah and King of the Jews, or you are against Him. I cannot help anyone if I am not first in the right relationship with Him and am cleansed and accepted in His Love. My writing is a futile endeavour unless I first commit my time to Him. That is all the Devil is fighting for: Time. The more he can distract you from what is important to God, the more time he has on his side to bring about your demise. And our physical death is the ultimate version of Time either being on the Devil's side, or Jesus' side.

When you are in that pickle of a situation, turn on some godly hymns. I don't mean fleshly hymns. Godly hymns, old, old hymns. If nothing else, revel in their witness. Learn to humble yourself before God and pray. Learn to love God again, because He is waiting for you invisibly and palpably. If you can do nothing else, then just worship, worship Him.