Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Holy Spirit's Baptism by Fire

In John 3:5(NASB), Jesus talks about two baptisms that must take place before one can enter the kingdom of God. One is by water. This is almost universal in Christian churches. What is rare in today's churches is the Baptism by the Spirit. I think I can only count on three fingers those whom I've met amongst my circle who have had this baptism. And I am not one of those three.

The irony is that this lack is making many of us who call on the name of Jesus to live defeated lives, especially in North America where entertainment and addictions lead almost every XYZ-genner to what Tozer calls "the evils of postponed living". I am also guilty of this. "Tomorrow, I'll read my Bible. Today I'll enjoy a cuppa latte in front of the computer." We don't make Jesus our priority search; How do we expect to be filled with the Holy Spirit to overflowing? It is when we're tired that we must commit ourselves to the Lord, to obey, to rest, to set our hearts right before Him. What follows will amaze you. He blesses you with His presence, and gives you a verse from His Word. It is at that very moment of utter weakness that he builds in us character for eternity.

Today if you hear His voice, do not say 'No' to Him, Today. Many kings and princes of the past had fallen from reformers to victims of distractions and the dissolute life. Will out of your volition as much as you can and beg Him to help you. Then leave the rest to Jesus. He will see you through. He is faithful. We cannot do anything without His enabling, and that includes everything from developing good habits to the cataclysmic struggle to be free of the evil powers in the air that hold us captive. Have faith though, because through earnest prayer and faith in Him, He can and will change us from the inside out. A new creation! Everything is new! Our robes when washed in His fountain of blood is made white as snow! Take heart then, for He has overcome the world, as is written in the New Testament.

Many churches today fail to realize that they are merely functioning as a social club or theme park for nice, moral people. They don't preach the baptism by the Holy Spirit, because even the pastors themselves are unregenerate. How much more so the sheep! But Christ knows those who are His, those who hear His voice and run after Him. These He will keep until the final trumpet sounds when we shall be caught up in mid-air to meet Him.

Although the Holy Spirit's baptism cannot be forced, it can be sought after dearly and desperately. The important thing is to realize that "Jesus answered, 'Truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.'" (John 3:5; NASB) [end]