What is salvation if not a childlike trust in the Lord that He has all things in His control?
Today we surrendered our cats to the local shelter because we could no longer care for them. My parents, approaching their 70s within a year, are unable to give them much more than daily necessities. I am unable to care for them 24/7 because of my own taxing needs. Often they went without love or medical attention.
I cried for two nights after being told we could surrender them. How will they adjust? Who will adopt them? Would they be put down? Most of all, how will I be able to leave them there, with their trusting eyes burning in my memory? They have been sweet companions for six years and the last thing I wanted to do was to betray them.
Then the verse came: Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them falls to the ground but that the Father knows; are you not worth more than many sparrows? My friends and family rallied to buoy us up in prayer today. I offered the Lord Jesus and the Heavenly Father my praises and the more I praised, the more joyful I became. I realized this: That true salvation has to do with trusting and rejoicing in childlikeness in the Heavenly Father, period. None of this complicity of church corruption and even the sanctioned non-law laws, but a real lifting up our hearts in praise and thankfulness…a surrendering of ourselves and our worries to the Master who knows all, sees all, and swiftly acts to bring about good.
I prayed for the cats. Hard. I prayed that they’d be healed and taken care of and rehomed almost as immediately as they can stand it after being healed. May they find good loving homes and cat-savvy owners who can afford to keep them. The Good Lord have tender mercies upon them!